Link Errors
Link Errors
Find below the list of errors that can be displayed in Link.
General Errors
Failed to instantiate SDK IMX Client when connecting wallet
Something went wrong.
Contact the Customer Support team.
Check SDK Settings.
Unable to retrieve tokens list
Something went wrong retrieving your tokens list: ${apiError}
Retry the operation/Refresh the page or Contact support team
Try to replicate the issue.
Failed to retrieve the wallet address
Something went wrong when retrieving your wallet address. Check with your wallet provider.
Check wallet connection with IMX.Check wallet provider.Contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Link forcibly closed by the user
Link window closed.
Give feedback on the Link closed to the user.
Failed to open Link as iFrame due to 3rd party cookies blocked
There is no storage available. This is usually related to a 3rd party cookie-blocking policy.
Unblock the 3rd party cookies on the browser.
Give a feedback regarding 3rd party cookies to the user or change Link mode to be opened as popup.
⛔ 1005
Failed to open Link as iFrame due to application's domain not be whitelisted
Only whitelisted partners can currently embed link using an iframe. Please contact and quote referrer ${address} for information.
Contact the Customer Support team.
Contact the Customer Support team.
Failed to retrieve the wallet address
Something went wrong when retrieving your wallet address. Check with your wallet provider.
Check wallet connection with IMX.Contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Provided invalid ERC20 token
Token not available in IMX.
Retry the transaction.Contact support team to report the invalid token.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Insufficient funds
Insufficient funds.
Add funds to L1 wallet.
API rejected deposits
The API rejected the deposit: ${details}
Retry the operation. If it continues failing, contact the Customer Support team.
Try to replicate the issue. Check the error details.
Complete Withdrawal
Failed to retrieve the wallet address
Something went wrong when retrieving your wallet address. Check with your wallet provider.
Check wallet connection with IMX.Check wallet provider.Contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Failed to retrieve order details
Something went wrong.-Additional error message provided by the API.
Check wallet connection with IMX.Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Failed to retrieve asset details
Something went wrong.-Additional error message provided by the API.
Check wallet connection with IMX.Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Failed trade request
Something went wrong.-Additional error message provided by the API.
Check wallet connection with IMX.Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
API rejected trades
The API rejected the purchase: ${details}
Retry the operation. If it continues failing, contact the Customer Support team.
Try to replicate the issue. Check the error details.
API rejected trades
Cannot accept order of version 3 from this API endpoint. Please upgrade to the newer API endpoints.
Contact the Customer Support team.
Upgrade to use the latest version of Order & Trade API.
Unable to retrieve asset details
Something went wrong.-Additional details/error message provided by the API.
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Unable to list asset for sale
Unable to list asset-Additional details/error message provided by the API.
Retry operation.Check if asset is already listed.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Asset is already listed for sale
Asset is unavailable.
Retry operation.Confirm if asset is already listed.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Invalid currency provided as query param
Unknown currency.
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Confirm tokens available in IMX.Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Invalid asset price provided as query param
Price should be at least ${minPrice}
Retry operation with different price.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
API rejected listings
The API rejected the listing: ${details}
Retry the operation. If it continues failing, contact the Customer Support team.
Try to replicate the issue. Check the error details.
Failed to retrieve transfer token details
Something went wrong retrieving token details.
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Confirm tokens available in IMX.Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Failed to retrieve user token balance
Something went wrong retrieving your ${tokenType} token balance
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Confirm tokens available in IMX.Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Invalid data found before starting transfer
Transfers have failed validation.The following validation errors were identified:${listOfFailedValidations}
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Try to repliace the issue.Check error details.
API rejected transfers
The API rejected the transfer: ${details}
Retry the operation. If it continues failing, contact the Customer Support team.
Try to replicate the issue. Check the error details.
Failed to retrieve any transaction
Something went wrong retrieving the transactions: ${details}
Retry operation.Check wallet connection.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Failed to retrieve the order details
Something went wrong retrieving the order details.
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Failed to retrieve token details
Something went wrong retrieving the token details.
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Exchange status is failed
Something went wrong.
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Check transaction status with IMX/MoonPay.
Unable to retrieve exchange status
Connection Error.
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Check transaction status with IMX/MoonPay.
Invalid crypto currencies
Invalid currencies.
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Check supported tokens for Onramp.
Could not get currencies
Something went wrong.
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Check supported tokens for Onramp.
Exchange status is failed
Something went wrong.
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Check transaction status with IMX/MoonPay.
Unable to retrieve exchange status
Connection Error.
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Check transaction status with IMX/MoonPay.
Could not get currencies
Something went wrong.
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Check supported tokens for Offramp.
No currencies left after filtering
Currencies not available
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Check supported tokens for Offramp.
Invalid currency amount
Invalid currency amount
Retry operation with different amount.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Check supported tokens for Offramp.
Incorrect transaction format
Something went wrong.
Retry operation.If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
NFT Checkout Primary
Feature is disabled
NFT Primary sale is not supported.
Try later, when a feature will be announced
Check that a feature should be enabled or not.
Cannot create a transaction
Cannot create a transaction.
Retry operation. If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Cannot connect to imx-exchange
Connection Error.
Retry operation. If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Check transaction status with IMX/MoonPay.
Polling error
Cannot retrieve status.
Retry operation. If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Check logs why status polling is failing.
Transaction is failed
Transaction failed.
Retry operation. If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Check transaction status with IMX/MoonPay.
Invalid parameters supplied to link route
Invalid make offer parameters
Retry operation. If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Check that the correct parameters are being passed to the link route and are valid
API is returning an error
We have encountered an issue with our APIs while processing this request. Please try again. For further assistance please visit our support page.
Retry operation. If continue to fail, contact Customer Support.
Try to replicate the issue. Check console logs.
Last updated