When details about assets are returned, there is a status property that indicates its current location (L1 or L2) or state (depositing, withdrawable, etc.). Assets can have one of the following statuses:
The asset is in the XpansionChain L2 environment.
The asset is on the main Ethereum blockchain.
A withdrawal has been requested for this asset, and it will be included in an upcoming batch.
The asset has been included in a published batch, and can now be withdrawn from the XpansionChain smart contract.
The asset has been permanently removed from circulation.
result: [
token_address: '0x23db0e72bd7738da0d0afe7bccb4109f5f05edcf', // Address of the ERC721 contract
token_id: '1', // ERC721 Token ID of this asset
user: '0xd5aefc1fed909da9a5409594d758e3bdd055634c', // Ethereum address of the user who owns this asset
status: 'imx', // Status of this asset (where it is in the system)
uri: null, // URI to access this asset externally to XpansionChain
name: '1st NFT', // Name of this asset
description: 'This is your 1st nft', // Description of this asset
image_url: 'https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmS7p34oVDHB3VBE2d9bMqrbNFxdmxtwJ8BYcuHa9yNQHz', // URL of the image which should be used for this asset
metadata: { // Metadata of this asset
name: 'Juju Mints',
icon_url: 'https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E03AQFB06seGq_MGA/profile-displayphoto-shrink_100_100/0/1597970079587?e=1669248000&v=beta&t=hd0P3T5102HzRvsSK4TBtjhLJLaivuh0u3Qlu57g7lk'
collection: { // Details of the collection
name: '1st NFT',
class: 'EnumValue1',
attack: 123,
image_url: 'https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmS7p34oVDHB3VBE2d9bMqrbNFxdmxtwJ8BYcuHa9yNQHz',
collectable: true,
description: 'This is your 1st nft'
created_at: '2022-09-23T14:32:59.876942Z' // Timestamp of when the asset was created
updated_at: '2022-09-23T14:34:01.793638Z', // Timestamp of when the asset was updated
// Other assets returned
// Remaining results
remaining: 1,
token_address: '0x23db0e72bd7738da0d0afe7bccb4109f5f05edcf', // Address of the ERC721 contract
token_id: '1', // ERC721 Token ID of this asset
user: '0xd5aefc1fed909da9a5409594d758e3bdd055634c', // Ethereum address of the user who owns this asset
status: 'imx', // Status of this asset (where it is in the system)
uri: null, // URI to access this asset externally to XpansionChain
name: '1st NFT', // Name of this asset
description: 'This is your 1st nft', // Description of this asset
image_url: 'https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmS7p34oVDHB3VBE2d9bMqrbNFxdmxtwJ8BYcuHa9yNQHz', // URL of the image which should be used for this asset
metadata: { // Metadata of this asset
name: 'Juju Mints',
icon_url: 'https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E03AQFB06seGq_MGA/profile-displayphoto-shrink_100_100/0/1597970079587?e=1669248000&v=beta&t=hd0P3T5102HzRvsSK4TBtjhLJLaivuh0u3Qlu57g7lk'
collection: { // Details of the collection
name: '1st NFT',
class: 'EnumValue1',
attack: 123,
image_url: 'https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmS7p34oVDHB3VBE2d9bMqrbNFxdmxtwJ8BYcuHa9yNQHz',
collectable: true,
description: 'This is your 1st nft'
created_at: '2022-09-23T14:32:59.876942Z' // Timestamp of when the asset was created
updated_at: '2022-09-23T14:34:01.793638Z', // Timestamp of when the asset was updated
fees: [ // Royalties to pay on this asset operations
type: 'protocol',
address: '0xc8714f989ce817e5d21349888077aa5db4a9bcf6',
percentage: 2