result: [
transaction_id: 56408, // Sequential ID of this trade within XpansionChain
status: 'success', // Status of this trade
a: { // Buy object
order_id: 1581, // The ID of the order involved in the trade
token_type: 'ETH', // The type of the token that this trade sold
sold: '10000000000000000' // The amount of that order\'s asset this trade sold in wei
b: { // Sell object
order_id: 1579, // The ID of the order involved in the trade
token_type: 'ERC721', // The type of the token that this trade sold
token_id: '1507', // The ID of the token that this trade sold
token_address: '0x72ec08386b4bbf0c344238b1bb892b2b279f1dcf', // The contract address of the token that this trade sold
sold: '1' // The amount of that order\'s asset this trade sold
timestamp: '2022-09-29T10:33:26.39022Z' // Time this trade occurred
// Other trades returned
cursor: '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',
// Remaining results
remaining: 1
transaction_id: 56408, // Sequential ID of this trade within XpansionChain
status: 'success', // Status of this trade
a: { // Buy object
order_id: 1581, // The ID of the order involved in the trade
token_type: 'ETH', // The type of the token that this trade sold
sold: '10000000000000000' // The amount of that order\'s asset this trade sold in wei
b: { // Sell object
order_id: 1579, // The ID of the order involved in the trade
token_type: 'ERC721', // The type of the token that this trade sold
token_id: '1507', // The ID of the token that this trade sold
token_address: '0x72ec08386b4bbf0c344238b1bb892b2b279f1dcf', // The contract address of the token that this trade sold
sold: '1' // The amount of that order\'s asset this trade sold
timestamp: '2022-09-29T10:33:26.39022Z' // Time this trade occurred